Hello, MakeXers!!!
We are excited to finally reveal the result of 2021 MakeX Spark – Code for Health. Here are the Young All-Rounders.
Automated Medicine Assistant (A.M.A) – Rayyan Shiraz

Healthcare is a global problem, countries big or small face this issue of providing ideal healthcare countrywide hence with the theme of coding with health in this MakeX competition I propose a solution to providing elderly healthcare through technology.
For my Project I aim to help elderly people who as their health deteriorates experience poor sight, over-dependency and loss of memory.
- The Halocode goes from an idle state to an active state by shaking it;
- In the Active state it displays the status of the medicines taken during the day;
- Once the medicines for a set time have been taken, the user simply touches the corresponding touch pad.
CHARM (Caring Health Assistant Robot Module) – Ciaryn He and Isselyn He

CHARM can be used for workers, especially at places that have high chances for virus to spread, like hospital, mall, bank, school, office or factory and isolated people or everyone who stays at home.
Turn on the 3 mCores, Halocode and smart camera. Read the guidelines next to Gevi, answer what Gevi asked you and do what Gevi asked you to do in the video.
Smart Emergency Ambulance and Traffic (SEATS) – Arham Raffay

During my research on my MakeX project topic, I found some scary and interesting information. The 2020 pandemic situation has taught us some very important lessons that we must not ignore to ensure that such a crisis will not occur again. We saw that first-world to third-world countries faced the same problem as they were not prepared. The lesson I personally learnt was that while developing our country, we must give top priority to our health care and emergency systems.
1. Smart Ambulance – Using Mbots and Cyber-Pi
2. Smart Traffic Light – Using Image processing, mCore and Bluetooth Communication
3. Smart Hospital – Using Halocode and WIFI Communication
Touch-less Water Dispenser—Fathan Aditya Zafran

Around 70% of our body is water, the brain and heart are composed of more than 70% water. It is necessary to have a water dispenser in public areas. But, nowadays in the covid-19 situation, public facilities including water dispensers can lead viruses to spread. I was thinking of creating a touch-less water dispenser to enable us to get the drinking water in the public area with no worries.
1. Make sure there is enough water in the water tanks;
2. Turn on the Halocode and wait until the Halocode connected to the WiFi;
3. When the top LED shows blue color means it’s ready to recognize the speech in English;
4. Use commands by saying ‘cold’, ‘hot’, ‘warm’, and ‘stop’ to get water in different temperature;
5. The Touch-less Water Dispenser will stop the water flow automatically after 10 seconds;
6. We can also push the Halocode button to stop the water flow immediately.
Medicine Robot—Sasiprapha Panomkhet and Yaneenart Charamat

In order to reduce the virus infection risks to medical people while they work with medicine or food feeding to patients. We have an idea to support their job by creating the “Medicine Robot” to reduce the direct contact between medical people and patients, also we try to make the “Medicine Robot” works automatically and easy as much as possible based on our knowledge and available resource.
- The process starts by the robot scanning the admission number to record 5 number of patients and a nurse will select a program from the smart scanner to store the medicine on the robot;
- The nurse uses the smart scanner to control robot to the patient room;
- Patient can use personal barcode to scan the robot’s head then the robot will check the correct medicine to match with the patient and then the door will be open.
- Patient ick the medicine from supply turn table and door will be closed.
- When completed all delivery, robot will show “X” and say “Thank You”.
Carebot For Modern Hospital—Nicholas Steven Wartono And Nadya Clara Soekojo

During the Covid 19 pandemic, technology was urgently needed in hospitals. Technology is very much needed in addition to helping services to patients more effectively, it is also needed to protect medical personnel.
In this code for health project, we created “Carebot”. Carebot is a touch free robot that have many features to assist medical personnel in hospital. Carebot has many function and technology that can be used in modern hospital to serve patient effectively. Carebot using modern technology Voice controller and Smart Camera with Face Recognition.
For this project the Robot has 2 mode :
- Automatically
- Manual (Control by Remote Bluetooth)
Lastly, mark your diaries for a livestream celebration on 30 June to applaud our young creators for their dedication, creativity, and love for making the world a better place with technology! As seats are limited, please contact us at makex_overseas@makeblock.com if interested.