Recap of MakeX Robotics Competitions in August and September

In August and September, MakeX Robotics Competitions came to some countries for the first time. Feel bad for having missed these competitions? Don’t worry, in this blog, we will recap these wonderful moments of these competition.

August 31st   MakeX Robotics Competition in Guatemala

In August 31st, the MakeX Robotics Competition was held successfully in Guatemala. Teams from Honduras and Guatemala participated in this competition!

The team consisted of 2 girls named Sheila and Anna Maria won the first place, and they will come to China for the 2019 MakeX World Championship. Nowadays, more and more girls enjoy the robotics competition.

Awarding Ceremony

All the contestants

September 3rd   Workshop in Malaysia

In September 3rd, the MakeX workshop before the competition was held in Terengganu State, Malaysia. This activity aims at promoting MakeX Robotics Competition, and the contestants can also practice in the workshop. Kids in Malaysia are curious about the Competition, and the workshop has attracted a large number of people.

Our organizer are Interpreting the rules of competition.

Chirldren are playing the MakeX Starter

September 14th, MakeX Robotics Competition in Singapore

In September 14th, MakeX Starter City Guardian and MakeX Challenge Courageous Traveler were held successfully in Singapore. This is the first MakeX Challenge Courageous Traveler competition in overseas. The teams who won the first place will come to China for the World Championship to held from November 29th to December 1st.

All the contestants

September 16th, MakeX Robotics Competition in Tokyo, Japan

MakeX Robotics Competition in Tokyo was held in September 16th, which is the first MakeX competition in Japan in 2019, the teams Chameleon and BONO has won the champion from 19 teams, and they will go to China to compete with other teams around the world.

Awarding Ceremony

September 20th  MakeX Robotics Competition in Indonesia

In September 20th, over 100 teams of MakeX Starter City Guardian compete in Indonesia, and it become the biggest competition so far.

September 29th  MakeX Robotics Competition in Ukraine

On September 29th, MakeX Robotics Competition came to Ukraine for the first time, and was held very successfully on CEE Exhibition.

September 29th   MakeX Robotics Competition in Chile

In September 29th, the first MakeX Robotics Competition in Chile was held successfully, over 50 teams from different places across the country come together to compete. Among them, 2 teams are travelling to China for the 2019 MakeX Championship.

September 30, 2019





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